Parent Programs​
PiP offers a series of parent workshops in conjunction with classroom residencies. We design workshops specifically focused on English language learning as well as programs providing parents with tools that better prepare them to support their children in their schoolwork. Combined parent and child programs bring families together through collective, creative projects and parents gain a deeper understanding of the value of the arts in learning.
Additionally, parents are outstanding resources for providing elements of their own cultures, and those elements are often incorporated in our arts-based programming. PiP’s puppet shows, celebrations and festivals draw parents into the schools to participate in the celebration of the students' work.
Parent Programs can take place at schools or in our Resource Center at Brooklyn College.
PiP offers a series of parent workshops in conjunction with classroom residencies.
Puppet Making
Flour Dough Arts
Toy Theater
Stop-Motion Animation
Interactive Storytelling
ENL Programs
Contact our office:
718.951.4240 or info@puppetryinpractice.org