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Toy Theater

Toy theaters date back to the early 1800s in Europe, and had a surge of popularity during the late 1800s to early 1900s. They were often mass produced and sold as kits at the concession stand of an opera house, playhouse or vaudeville theater. Toy theaters were assembled at home and used in performances for family members and guests. Today, PiP is bringing this classic art form to students in an unassuming, compact and portable cardboard box. PiP artists work with students in groups to design, color, collage and create their own unique puppet stages and puppets using a variety of pop-up mechanisms, collage techniques and shadow screens.

A great STEM project that supports any aspect of any curriculum, PiP’s Toy Theater residencies blend the visual and performing arts with an emphasis on group project dynamics. Toy theater performances aid in the development of vocabulary and conversational skills through interaction between students in the planning and preparation stages. Live performances create a more playful environment in which English Language Learners can express themselves using the freedom of puppetry and performance.


A typical residency is 5-10 sessions and meets once a week in the classroom.



For a full program lesson plans click here.

Week 1 - Paper Collage Exploration
Week 2 - Exploring Neighborhoods
Week 3 - Assembling Toy Theater (Part 1)
Week 4 - Assembling Toy Theater (Part 2)

Week 5-6 - Adding Pop-Up Mechanism

Week 7-8 - Community Helper Puppet Making

Week 9 - Puppet Play
Week 10 - Classroom Performance


Contact our office:

718.951.4240 or

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